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alarm Total duration : 110 minute(s)
Catalog price : €750 (VAT excl.), €900 (VAT incl.)


Key module objectives

Implement the right behaviors to guarantee people and environment safety, and the quality of the product in DSP in cGMPs

Target audience

Engineers, manufacturing managers or supervisor, operators qualified for complex USP operations with analytic skills

Module Overview

Activity 1: Recognizing the importance of behaviors in DSP in cGMPs
1/ Reminders on contamination, cleanrooms and requirements for DSP in cGMPs
2/ Zoom on grade A equipment

Activity 2: Identifying the consequences of risky situations in DSP in cGMPs and how to manage them
In this learning element, the participant is asked questions about risky situations and he must identify the consequences of that situation and the actions to be taken, keeping in mind he is always working in pairs.
1/ Before starting DSP operations
2/ Performing additive additions
3/ Performing open samplings

Activity 3: Recognizing and adopting the right behaviors for DSP in cGMPs
In this learning element, the participant put into practice what he has covered in the previous learning elements keeping in mind he is always working in pairs.
1/ Before entering a clean room
2/ Working in the cleanroom
3/ Before leaving the cleanroom

• Module evaluation quiz/


Complete previous modules of this curriculum, advanced level, or having knowledge of DSP

Learning mode


Digital modalities

Gamified e-learning / Serious Game 2D

Evaluation procedures

• A short evaluation at the end of the module confirming what you have learnt and enabling you to move to the next one (3 attempts, 80% of correct answers required).

Required equipment

Recommended equipment for an optimal experience : PC computer, with the last version of web browsers Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge, and an internet connection of 8 Mb/s or more.

Face to face training

Not Applicable

Contact for any question

Module Version Level, Date & Price

Master Version, 15/09/2023
Price upon request

Accessibility & Disability

The courses of this Module meet WCAG standards.