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alarm Total duration : 100 minute(s)
Catalog price : €750 (VAT excl.), €900 (VAT incl.)


Key module objectives

Understand the origins of the potential viral contamination risk for biotechnology products, and explain the measures implemented in the DSP to ensure the viral safety of the medicinal product.

Target audience

Employees from pharma or chemistry, newcomer to pharma sector, people with interest into pharma sector.

Module Overview

Activity 1: Identification of Viral Clearance steps within the DSP process
• Scope of the module (only applicable to biotechnology/recombinant products)
• The different types of contaminations (conventional viruses and prions).
• The key steps of the production of recombinant products (including USP & DSP).
• The use of viral clearance steps in the DSP for a recombinant product.

Activity 2: Sources of viral risks and the 3 pillars of Viral Safety
• Potential sources of viral contamination.
• Where raw materials of biological origin may be used.
• Measures to mitigate the risk of contamination from the raw materials.
• The three pillars of Viral Safety.

Activity 3: Viral Clearance studies
• The aim of the viral clearance studies (virus validation studies).
• The principles of the viral clearance studies and explain how they are performed.
• The requirements for the viral clearance studies.
• How the results of the viral clearance studies are presented.

• Module evaluation quiz


No prerequisites

Learning mode


Digital modalities

Activity 1: Serious Game 2D / Activity 2: Serious Game 3D / Activity 3: Serious Game 2D

Evaluation procedures

• A short evaluation at the end of the module confirming what you have learnt and enabling you to move to the next one (3 attempts, 80% of correct answers required).

Required equipment

Recommended equipment for an optimal experience : PC computer, with the last version of web browsers Chrome/Firefox/Microsoft Edge, and an internet connection of 8 Mb/s or more.

Face to face training

Some activities on this curriculum must be done within an Immerscio Training Center. Please consult the available Immerscio Training Centers and the onsite reservation modalities HERE.

Contact for any question

Module Version Level, Date & Price

Master Version, 15/09/2023
Price upon request

Accessibility & Disability

The courses of this Module meet WCAG standards with the exception of contents in 3D. For those contents, alternatives can be proposed to the Trainee. For any questions or additional information, please contact